NG has one.
The community of this website is part of the reason I keep coming back again and again. Along with the free entertainment provided, the unique community NG offers is something you don't find too often on such a large website.
I don't want to be too emotional about it or anything, I just wanted to make it known that I feel appreciated to belong to such a great website. I'm not just another user here, I have a name who (at least some times) people remember.
Yesterday, RedHarvest had a neat idea he put into fruition. The idea was to host a Stickam group chat and those of us there would just animate together on whatever project we were working on. It was really cool seeing what other people were working on and chatting with them all. It was like a huge group motivation for everybody to finish what they were working on. I, for example, finished a segment that's been sitting around for a while and it took me about 2.5-3 hours (which is pretty awesome for me)! The animating group was like a study group and had the same mentality. Come together and help each other to reach your goal. If that's not community then I must be reading from the wrong dictionary.
If you want to participate, we're trying to keep it going. Check out this BBS article for more info.
AND WHILE I'M HERE... I've been meaning to mention this as well. The Baltimore Meetup back in May was amazing. I'm a fairly shy person when I'm not behind a computer screen, but the meetup was beyond my wildest expectations. It was the first one I've been to and I went down with Radioactive24 (which was nice, since I was introduced to more people he knew). I met some awesome people who I never would have imagined I'd get to meet. I'd list some names, but then I'd forget someone, and then they'd feel like I forgot them, which I didn't, but yeah....
Thanks to all of you at the meetup who 1) housed me, 2) talked to me, 3) made eye contact with me, and/or 4) put up with me in general! You're all awesome in my book ;)
It's just so great to see the NG community in action (and in person!) and it warms my heart (I'm a girl, I get to say this :3). Keep it going everyone! It's a pleasure to consider myself apart of your community :)
hey tem