Do you animate/draw with your left or right hand?
I used to art. A lot. Then I became a programmer. Then I got burnt out. Now I'm trying to recover that passion.
Age 34, Female
Used to be a softwar
United States
Joined on 12/29/04
Left, for several reasons. lefties ar awesum.
I am a right-handed person. The only thing I do with my left hand is eat. ???
Right hand
Neither, I use my feet.
Nah, I use my right hand :)
What is this about, are you going to tally them up and choose one to use? What do you use :P ?
Lol, yes, I will be tallying them up, but it's to analyze what the majority of artists/animators use. It's kind of a personally mini research project. ;P
I'm personally a lefty. I used to be ambidextrous when I was learning how to write, mainly because I could never remember which hand I wrote with the last time I wrote. Eventually I leaned toward left, and that's where I am now :)
southpaw bitch
left is leet
Right handed.
I use my right hand, but I want to train my left hand to be just as good with all the things my right hand can do. As in being ambidextrous...
Ambidextrous... but mostly left hand for drawing.
I draw with the right hand & animate with the left hand
I'm not really an artist or animator, but when I draw/write I use my right hand, although I can use both hands fine (I'm ambidextrous).
everything with right
sometimes fap with left
I'm a Righty :)
Good Question!
i use my right but i masturbate with my left.