Okay, so on one of the under judgement submissions I voted (to pass) on today, a message appeared, which I didnt realize was there until I switched pages.
It started out something like, "Congradulations, your votes have..." but I have no idea what the rest of it was. At least two more sentances I think. I tried to go to the page again, but of course I couldnt.
I know it's a silly thing to be concerned over, but it just bothers me that I dont know what it said now... so if anyone has any thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated.
I know... I'm just that lame. Meh, what's a girl to do.
Oh, btw, join some collabs, www.ng-collabs.com
Well, it most likely said that your votes have saved the submission. You had the 200th vote, which is the final vote before an under judgement submission can potentially join Newgrounds.
Or it said that your vote blammed it, which sometimes happens even when you vote to pass.
Go check if it is in the portal now!
Thanks, and it makes me feel good to say that I saved it :D